Mum and Baby Yoga, Mondays 12p.m-1p.m.
Pelvic floor recovery, tone up, connect with other mums and babies!
Service Description
The yoga we do is designed for post-partum, to tone up the pelvic floor and get back in shape in a friendly and relaxed class. Class numbers are limited to 8 so everyone gets plenty of attention. How the class works: mums do yoga and the babies lie/sit next to them and are also included whenever possible. If the baby is unsettled or needs a feed, then the mum tends to the baby and joins back in when able to. You can start classes as soon as you've recovered from birth (normally about 6 weeks). After a C-section you need to have had your 6 week check. Either way please ensure you get the go ahead from your doctor that you're ready to start yoga! Frances is an experienced yoga teacher and has specialised in Mum and Baby Yoga with leading expert Lucia Seglie at the Arhanta Academy. Price: Pay termly, (£13 per class). To book: text or email me with your number and we can have an initial chat about your health, delivery and baby. I will then send you booking and payment details.
Contact Details
Jubilee Hall, Slade Road, Portishead, Bristol, UK